Statement of Faith

1.  The Scriptures:

    The Holy Bible is the inspired, inerrant and infallible word of God. It is the final authority on all matters of belief and behavior.

2.  God:

     There is a living and true God eternally existing in three persons – Father, Son and    Holy Spirit – each possessing all the attributes of

     deity. To Him we owe the highest love, reverence and obedience.

             a.  God the Father is the sovereign creator, ruler and sustainer of the universe. He is Father to those who become children of God
             through faith in Jesus Christ.

             b.  Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man. We believe in His virgin birth, sinless life, atoning death on the cross, bodily resurrection
             to heaven where He is acting as mediator between God and man. He will return in power and glory to judge the world and to
             consummate His redemptive mission.

             c.  The Holy Spirit affects salvation in a believer and equips him/her for godly living and service.

3.  Man:
     We believe that every human being was created in the image of God, to glorify God and to fellowship with Him. Everyone, therefore,
     possesses dignity and is worthy of respect and Christian love. The first human beings, Adam and Eve, sinned and through them sin
     entered the human race. Consequently, mankind is by nature sinful, alienated from God and subject to God’s wrath and condemnation.

4.  Salvation:
     Salvation is solely the work of God's grace, received by faith in Jesus Christ and not by human merit or effort. Salvation includes
     regeneration, sanctification and glorification.

5.  God's purpose of Grace:
     Election is the gracious purpose of God, according to which He regenerates, sanctifies and glorifies sinners. It is consistent with the free
     will of man. All those who truly believe in Jesus Christ as Savior will never fall away from this state of grace, but shall endure to the

6.  The Church:
     The Church is the spiritual body of Jesus Christ comprised of all true believers. The local church, operating through democratic
     processes under the lordship of Jesus Christ, is the physical expression of it.

7.  Baptism and the Lord's Supper:
       a.  Baptism by immersion is an act of obedience symbolizing the believer's faith in a crucified, buried and risen Savior - the believer's
            death to sin, the burial of the old life and the resurrection to walk in newness of life in Jesus Christ.

       b.  The Lord's Supper is a symbolic act of obedience whereby church members partake of the bread and the fruit of the vine
            memorializing the death of Jesus in anticipation of His second coming.

8.  The Lord's Day:
     The first day of the week is the Lord's Day. It commemorates the resurrection of Christ and should be used exclusively for worship and
     spiritual devotion; work of necessity and mercy being the only exceptions.

9.  The Kingdom:
     While God exercises general sovereignty over the universe, the kingdom of God is particularly the realm of salvation into which persons
     enter by trustful, childlike commitment to Jesus Christ. Christians should pray and labor for God's Kingdom to come, while waiting for
     the full consummation of the Kingdom at Christ's return. 

10. Last Things:
      Jesus Christ will return physically and visibly to earth to judge all mankind and to complete God's redemptive plan.

11. Evangelism and Missions:
      It is the duty and privilege of every Christian to constantly seek to win the lost and to "make disciples of all nations." (Matt. 28:19)

12. Education:
      Christian education is essential for discipleship. While every Christian has freedom to pursue knowledge, the exercise of this freedom
      should be subject to the lordship of Christ.

13. Stewardship:
      All things belong to God and human beings are his stewards. As Christians, we are, therefore, obligated to serve God with our time,
      talents and material possessions, which have been entrusted to us to use for his glory. According to the Scriptures, Christians should
      contribute of their means cheerfully, regularly, proportionately, and liberally towards the advancement of God's redemptive purpose.

14. Cooperation:
      Christians should, as occasion requires, organize such associations and conventions as may best secure cooperation for the great
      objectives of the Kingdom of God. Such organizations are advisory bodies designed to combine and direct the energies of God's people
      in the most effective manner. Church members should cooperate with one another in carrying out the missionary, educational and
      benevolent ministries of the church for the extension of Christ's Kingdom.

15. The Christian and Social Order:
      Christians should seek to improve government, industry and society as a whole by promoting justice, righteousness, truth and brotherly
      love. In order to promote these ends, we should be ready to work with anyone of good will in any good cause, always being careful to
      act in the spirit of love without compromising our loyalty to Christ and his truth.

16. Peace and War:
      Christians should make every effort to promote peace on principles of righteousness and to end wars in accordance with the spirit and
      teachings of Christ and His truth.

17. Religious Liberty:
      Christians should obey the civil government at all times, except on issues contrary to the will of God. The state owes to every church
      protection and full freedom in the pursuit of it's spiritual ends. A free church in a free state is the Christian ideal.

NOTE: This statement is only a summary of what we believe. Please see the "Articles of Faith" as contained in the church Constitution for a more complete statement of our basic beliefs, including supportive Scripture references.